Turtle's tantrums and tales

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

He's so bright and milky white

Its snowed this morning, of course it had all melted by the time I got to work.. Engines and crowds in a jam and mothers pushing prams and commuters headbutting their way to work in the manner of a peacock..

Of our very own dust cart of tower hamlets rubbish and recycling was not one of these vehicles contributing to the ceaseless global warming. Alas, typically they decided to save the planet yet again today by leaving everyone's rubbish festering on the streets like fetid turds as usual. Good form indeed for an award winning council.

So I've come through the eye of a needle, I might do some shopping at lunch today, should I find any thing I can make a decision about then all will be right with the world though there is a strong chance I won't.. I'm a fairly indecisive person at the moment, one minute I'm up the next I'm down..i'm like a yak on heat trying to develop telekonesis whilst simultanously being unable to understand the most simplist of things.

I'm getting stupider and more vague all the time, the mental agility of people around me becomes increasingly astounding all the time and I'm left asking the question 'what's the difference between us?' we can start at pythagoras! Or you can scream lets sniff glue and see who means it!

Anyway, confusion..But more likely just this cold snap is making my bones cold. Something that I'll be able to sort out with a trusty friend called booze whilst I build a shrine to a forgotten smokers habit..Who knows, where this gravy train will end!


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