Turtle's tantrums and tales

Why the hell do you need a description? the title and the posts are all you need so get reading...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Eh! Moli!

Eh! Eh! Moli Moli!

So i haven't posted in a while, chalk it up to plain laziness really, i've entered into a sort of drifting period where life sort of washes over you and you feel vaguely annoyed about but don't really do anything about it.

Hot like a tin can spewing lots of crab juice, KLOW!

When i'm on the train or walking around i alwys think of interesting things to put on here but whenever i sit down to update i have no inspiration.

Wedding bells with growth spurts mumbling a haiku.

Tooth tooth tooth tooh.

Crap crap crap crap crap...

God i'm quite uninspired today.. i should enter the summer exhibition.


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